Vehicular and pedestrian movement
picture 1:vehicular and pedestrian movement
red arrows: vehicular movement
blue lines: pedestrian movement
orange areas: areas having head on collision of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
NOTE : no specified path for pedestrian traffic.
- Heat Chart : normal timings
This place is only used for movement as people find no reason to stay. Yellow areas are the left over spaces which are not used by the people like blocked and unreconstructed service lane, grass patch not allowed by the mall authority as they maintain it.
picture 2: heat chart at normal timings
red: most populated areas
orange : medium populated
yellow: negligible population
Heat Chart: During flash mob
By doing flash mob at 4 different points a reason was given to the people for staying in the place. But still people were only attracted to the pavement in front of metro station but not to the unmaintained service lane.
picture 3: heat chart at the time of flash mob
red : most populated areas ( place of flash mob)
red dotted: areas from where people are attracted towards flash mob area.
Pshychological reaction
People from the metro station stopped in the place to participate in the flashmob but people going to MGF Mall were curious to know whats happening but still did not stop because according to them the space would
be too exclusive.picture 4: psychological reaction during flash mob
blue dots: site of activity during flash mob
pink lines : people only visually involved.
blue lines: people who actually came and participated by painting the structure.
NOTE: only people from metro station participated
Problematic Areas
After the study and analysis these are the areas which need to be improved upon to actually give a reason for all the stratas of society to use the space.
green: unused green spaces
brown: muddy service lane baricated by mgf mall authority.
yellow: muddy patch left
red :head on collision of vehicular and pedestrian traffic ( no particular path for pedestrian people)
blue: con-justed entrance ( no recognizable entrance)
NOTE: even no shade and no seating
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